Penelope Fialas Research Assistant
I obtained my BSc in Natural Sciences in 2014 at the University of Bologna, where I was involved in the project “LIFE+08NAT\IT\000369 GYPSUM”, investigating the success of alternative bat roosts (bat boxes) in a national park in Italy. I then carried out an internship at the NGO SPEA in Lisbon through the Leonardo da Vinci’s scholarship, working in the project “LIFE13 NAT/PT/000458”, in the archipelago of Berlengas, Portugal.
In 2018, I received my bi-national master’s degree in International Nature Conservation from the University of Goettingen (Germany) and Lincoln University (New Zealand) during which I had the opportunity to conduct my own research regarding bat responses to organic-transitional farming and landscape complexity in citrus orchards in Cyprus.
I have since worked on a range of research projects at the Bat ecology and Bioacoustics Lab and at the Bioacoustics and Behavioural ecology group of the University of Bristol. I am currently working as a research assistant at UWE, studying the effects of landscape fragmentation on bats in the UK and in Malawi. My broad experiences involve the use of techniques including GIS analysis, data & statistical analysis, morphometrics, bioacoustics, and molecular techniques.
I am commencing my PhD in 2019 at the University of Bristol where I will be studying the ecosystem services bats provide in agriculture landscapes using cutting-edge molecular techniques.
Froidevaux, J.,Fialas, P. & Jones, G., 2018. Catching insects while recording bats: impacts of light trapping on acoustic sampling. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation.
Fialas P., Froidevaux J.,Jones G., Batry P., 2019 Detrimental effects of organic-transitional agriculture on bats in Mediterranean orchards. (in prep.)
Menchaca A., Fialas P., Teeling E., Medellin R.,Jones G., 2019 Differential gene expressions and morphological adaptations in migrations in tequila bats (Leptonycteris yerbabuenae). (in prep.)
Carr, A., Weatherall, A., Fialas, P., Clare E. & Jones, G., 2019 Conservation management of bat foraging habitat can benefit all life stages of their insect prey. (in press)
Fialas, P., N. Oliveira, A. Meirinho & J. Andrade, 2015. Assessment of predation of black rat Rattus rattus towards Cory’s shearwater Calonectris borealis on Berlenga Island. Technical Report of the Action A7, Project LIFE Berlengas. Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves, Lisboa.