Jo Riley
PhD Researcher & Environmental Consultant

I received my BSc in Biochemistry and Zoology at the University of Leeds in 2005. I then went on to work with Professor Malcolm Burrows in the Department of Zoology at the University of Cambridge, where I produced acclaimed research on the biomechanics of desert locusts. I have since worked on a range of research projects studying the spatial and movement ecology of a range of taxa, including monitoring endangered black-flanked rock wallabies (Petrogale lateralis) in Western Australia, and radio-tracking the lesser horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus hipposideros) in South West England. My broad experiences involve the use of techniques including radio telemetry, GIS analysis, and biochemical analysis.
In 2015, I began my PhD studies at the University of Bristol where I am conducting research on the endangered sandhill dunnart (Sminthopsis psammophila) - a species endemic to Western Australia. My research aims to address substantial knowledge gaps surrounding their ecology. Sandhill dunnarts are threatened by invasive feral predators, wild fire, and human disturbance. I am using various techniques including nocturnal radio-tracking, habitat compositional analyses, climate modelling, among others, with the aim of informing conservation management to alleviate these threats.
‘Introduced cats (Felis catus) eating a continental mammal fauna: inventory and traits of species killed.’ Woolley, L.A, Turpin, J.M., Riley, J.L., Woinarski, J.C.Z. et al. - 2019 (in press)
‘Sandhill Dunnart.’ In: The Mammals of Australia, 4th Edition. Pearson, D.J, Churchill, S., Riley, J.L. and Turpin, J.M. New Holland, Sydney (Eds. Van Dyck and Strahan). - 2019 (in press)
‘Increased muscular volume and cuticular specialisations enhance jump velocity in solitarious compared to gregarious desert locusts, Schistocerca gregaria.’ Stephen M Rogers, Joanna Riley, Caroline Brighton, Gregory P Sutton and Malcolm Burrows. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2016. pp.635-648.
‘Strategic sperm allocation under parasitic sex-ratio distortion.’ Alison M Dunn, Tara Andrews, Hannah Ingrey, Joanna Riley and Nina Wedell. Biology Letters 2. pp.78–80.