Dr Jeremy Froidevaux
Honorary Research Fellow

I am a conservation biologist with broad interests in bat and arthropod ecology and conservation. I use emerging technologies (e.g. bioacoustics, airborne laser scanning) to conduct my research which mainly focuses on:
(i) assessing the effectiveness of conservation measures to promote bat and their insect prey in agricultural landscapes,
(ii) evaluating the effects of local and landscape-scale variables on bats and their insect prey in forest ecosystems,
(iii) testing and optimising sampling designs for surveying bats.
The ultimate goal of my research is to provide evidence-based recommendations for biodiversity conservation and monitoring.
I graduated in 2013 with a MSc in Ecology from the University of Montpellier (France) and in 2018 with a PhD in conservation biology from the University of Bristol. My PhD regarded the contributions of agri-environment schemes to the conservation of bats and arthropods in European farmland habitats. I was awarded the Vincent Weir Scientific Awards in 2017 for significant contribution to research on the conservation biology of bats. I am currently working as a postdoctoral fellow at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) in Toulouse. I am also an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Bristol to continue collaborating with Prof Gareth Jones on several research projects.
I am a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal for Bat Research and Conservation since June 2018 (Review Editor). I am also an occasional reviewer for Journal of Applied Ecology, Remote Sensing of Environment, Wildlife Research, Landscape Ecology, Forest Ecology and Management, and Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.
Braunisch V, Roder S, Coppes J, Froidevaux JSP, Arlettaz R & K Bollmann (2019). Structural complexity in managed and strictly protected mountain forests: effects on the habitat suitability for indicator bird species. Forest Ecology and Management 448: 139-149.
Froidevaux JSP, Boughey KL, Hawkins CL, Broyles M & G Jones (2019). Managing hedgerows for nocturnal wildlife: do bats and their insect prey benefit from targeted agri‐environment schemes? Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 1610-1623.
Oleksy RZ, Ayady CL, Tatayah V, Jones C, Howey PZ, Froidevaux JSP, Racey PA & G Jones (2019). The movement ecology of the Mauritian flying fox (Pteropus niger): a long-term study using solar-powered GSM/GPS tags. Movement Ecology 7: 12
Froidevaux JSP, Broyles M & G Jones (2019). Moth responses to sympathetic hedgerow management in temperate farmland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 270: 55-64
Oleksy RZ, Ayady CL, Tatayah V, Jones C, Froidevaux JSP, Racey PA & G Jones (2018). The impact of the Mauritian flying fox (Pteropus niger) on commercial fruit farms and the efficacy of mitigation. Oryx 1-8.
Froidevaux JSP, Fialas PC & G Jones (2018). Catching insects while recording bats: impacts of light trapping on acoustic sampling. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 4: 240-247.
Carr A, Zeale MRK, Weatherall A, Froidevaux JSP & G Jones (2018). Ground-based and LiDAR-derived measurements reveal scale-dependent selection of roost characteristics by the rare tree-dwelling bat Barbastella barbastellus. Forest Ecology and Management 417: 237-246.
Froidevaux JSP, Louboutin B & G Jones (2017). Does organic farming enhance biodiversity in Mediterranean vineyards? A case study with bats and arachnids. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 249: 112-122.
Froidevaux JSP, Boughey KL, Barlow KE & G Jones (2017). Factors driving population recovery of the greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) in the UK: implications for conservation. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 1601-1621.
Froidevaux JSP, Zellweger F, Bollmann K, Jones G & MK Obrist (2016). From field surveys to LiDAR: shining a light on how bats respond to forest structure. Remote Sensing of Environment 175: 242-250.
Froidevaux JSP, Zellweger F, Bollmann K & MK Obrist (2014). Optimizing passive acoustic sampling of bats in forests. Ecology and Evolution 4: 4690-4700.
Papers submitted or in revision
Froidevaux JSP, Boughey KL, Hawkins CL, Jones G & J Collins. Evaluating survey methods for bat roost detection in ecological impact assessment. Submitted.
Raatikainen KJ, Purhonen J, Pohjanmies T, Peura M, Nieminen E, Mustajärvi L, Helle I, Damiens FLP, Shennan-Farpón Y, Ahti PA, Basile M, Bernardo N, Bertram MG, Bouarakia O, Brias-Guinart A, Fijen T, Froidevaux JSP, Hemmingmoore H, Hocevar S, Kendall L, Lampinen J, Marjakangas E-L, Martin JK, Oomen RA, Segre H, Sidemo-Holm W, Silva AP, Thorbjørnsen SH, Torrents-Ticó M, Zhang D & J Ziemacki. A sustainable future through the eyes of early-career conservation scientists. Submitted.
Menchaca A, Rossi N, Froidevaux JSP, Dias-Freedman I, Rabinowitz S, Foster R, Harmsen B & G Amato. Population genetic structure and habitat connectivity for jaguar (Panthera onca) conservation in Belize. Submitted.
Outreach publications
Fabianek F, Froidevaux JSP & M-C Provost M-C (2016). Technical guide for bat conservation in farmland. [In French] Groupe Chiropteres du Quebec, Quebec (Canada), 34pp.
Froidevaux JSP, Zellweger F, Bollmann K & MK Obrist (2016). Sampling bats in temperate forest: where, when, how? [In French] Symbioses 34: 34-35.
Zellweger F, Froidevaux JSP, Bollmann K & MK Obrist (2016). Bats in forest–LiDAR provides new information! [In French and German] N+L Inside 3: 25-29.
Froidevaux JSP, Zellweger F, Bollmann K & MK Obrist (2015). Using “PRESENCE” and “GENPRES” software for planning a reliable acoustic sampling of bats. [In French] Le Vespère 5: 333-344